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4 Easy steps to writing a blog post


If you want to be successful in writing a blog post, follow these easy steps and generate great content:

1. Getting started: Before starting to write, ensure you understand your target audience and what you want to achieve when they read your blog. Then choose the topic you want to discuss.

2. Write: Find a suitable title and summarise your idea in the first paragraph. Then continue explaining your message in the subsequent sections. Don’t forget to include a call-to-action to ensure engagement.

3. Finishing touches: Choose a great image, video or infographic to support your message and use hashtags, keywords and emojis.

4. Work on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Input information for SEO, Categories and Tags.

Now you are ready to publish!

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This website is managed by: Dr Violetta Wilk, and MKT5325 Applied Digital Marketing and MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Students

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