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Is Content Marketing, marketing content? 🤔🤯

Posted By: Michelle Justine Delina_10523247
Posted On: September 24, 2021

When asking many about their understanding of content marketing, their answer was always “creating content about what you sell and sharing it to your customers”. Well, let’s just say most got it wrong. Being skincare enthusiasts, my friend and I were chatting about the latest product from a particular Korean brand. She excitedly told me that she looks forward to receiving newsletters from them. She explained that the e-mails did not include annoying promotions of their products, but trends in the skincare industry. She loves the information provided to her as it makes her a more informed buyer. “That’s content marketing”, I exclaimed while her face lit up as if it was a light bulb moment.

Fact #1: Content Marketing is NOT Direct Selling. 🙅‍♀️ To answer the headline, No, content marketing is not marketing your content. What I mean is, it’s not necessarily pushing your products to your customers. It is meant to communicate messages that resonate with your audience. In my friend’s case, the brand offers valuable information that she becomes loyal to them. Fact #2: It’s not always about you. 🤷 Hopefully, this ‘eureka moment’ is a glaring example that content marketing isn’t always about you – your brand, products, or services. It’s about YOUR AUDIENCE. Understanding what they’re interested in and care about, and essentially, knowing how you can address these. Fact #3: No pain, No gain 💪 At this point, you might begin to realise that content marketing is not easy – indeed it takes hard work, determination, and endurance. But let me tell you, it is fulfilling to realise that you are in a position of creating a positive impact – not just for your brand, but also for your customers. Found this article helpful? Subscribe now and get valuable marketing-related information straight to your inbox. 📤 #ECUindustryreadyproject #ECUMKT5325 #ContentMarketing #ContentMarketingFacts Disclaimer: This content is for the sole purpose of teaching and learning at Edith Cowan University.

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