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How content repurposing gives you more bang for your buck 🤔💰


In this fast-pacing world, where business owners must continually seek new customers, they need to make time to push out content that helps them stand out to attract, engage, convert, and retain these customers. Many struggle to do this as part of their content marketing strategy because they think they need to create new content every time. What they don’t realise is they can take one single piece of content and repurpose it to create multiple nuggets ready to use for social media, newsletters, emails, you name it. This is called content repurposing, and even large brands do it.

For example, digital marketers can create and repurpose content and save themselves a lot of time and money. Video content such as Tiktok videos can be repurposed into Instagram Reels or stories, text-based contents, such as blogs can be repurposed into social media post and ad copy and photo contents can be repurposed to be used on websites and email campaigns.

Benefits of Content Repurposing

By using existing content and transforming it into new formats for other channels, you can💡:

  • Create content diversity by customising for each target group

  • Use your current content to increase engagement

  • Create brand awareness which sets you above your competitors, as people will see your brand more often

  • Condense the message you want to communicate

  • Improve your SEO by sharing more content and links to increase traffic to your website

  • Reach a wider audience which will increase your revenue

  • Save time; reworking and tweaking your content is all you need to do, and we all know time is money

Every cent count and maximising it to your business’ benefit is key to success. Repurpose your content and the pay-off will be huge in terms of your ROI. 💲💲

To read more about content repurposing, visit

We would also like to hear from you; Is content repurposing part of your marketing? If not, why not? What are you struggling with? Share your experiences in the comments box below.

Priscilla Brigitte Ah-Shung - 10522678

Disclaimer: This content is for the sole purpose of teaching and learning at Edith Cowan University



This website is managed by: Dr Violetta Wilk, and MKT5325 Applied Digital Marketing and MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Students

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