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Creating Podcasts, how can it work for me and my business?


So, you want to engage more with your consumers, you want them to see you as a source of reliable, unbiased, informative truth. You want them to come to you, instead of chasing them. You want them to remain loyal to your brand and become advocates for your brand. Then creating your own original content and sharing it with your consumers via an audio Podcast might just be the right fit for you and your business.

A trend that has been around for a while now but has recently been taking off, used by content marketers, is Podcasts. Content Marketing is all about creating informative, unbiased, accurate, quality content with your unique expertise for your consumers to enjoy, and the aim is not to specifically sell them anything, but to purely aim at enhancing the relationship and the trust they have in your organisation. This trust will breed loyal advocates for your brand, will keep you in the forefront of their mind, and bring in additional consumers from their consumer tribe.

Consumers are always on the go and are seeking ways they can do everything all at once, which means Podcasts have become a great source of gaining the information they require while also on the go and multitasking. You are able to connect with your consumers wherever they are, at the time that is convenient for them, and they are making the choice to listen to you.

A great benefit is that because your consumers are coming to you, you don’t need to break through the clutter to reach them like other traditional channels. If they like what they hear, they will keep coming back for more, and a relationship built on reliability and trustworthiness will be formed.

To begin, you won’t need to invest in a substantial amount of technological equipment, besides a high-quality microphone, recording software (setting up your subscription method), and ensure you have a comfortable and quiet location to record. Build the rest as your listeners and fan base amplifies.

The key, is deciding on the content you wish to provide that you are uniquely qualified and knowledgeable in. Your consumers need to believe in the information you

are providing. And do not limit yourself to discussing only your business, but include the environment and industry your organisation operates in.

Remember, to share your Podcasts links wildly through your other digital platforms, stay true to your brand, and be open with your consumers in the information you provide. Transparency is key. And don’t forget to share with us, your progress, we love to hear your success stories.

For further information on all you need to know about starting a Podcast for your business, you can start by reading The Podcase Host “How to Start a Podcast: Your lightning Fast, No-Sweet Guide for 2022” linked here.

Now, lights, camera, action, and record!

#ECUindustryreadyproject #ECUMKT5325 #edithcowanuniversity #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #podcast #podcaster #podcastlife #entrepreneur | 10232461 | 📸Photos generously provided by: Standsome Worklifestyle @standsome, Konstantin Dyadyun @kostyadyadyun, and Kate Oseen on Unsplash (Disclaimer: This content is for the sole purpose of teaching and learning at Edith Cowan University).


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