Social Media Reach
The growing popularity of social media platforms and the ability for users to stream live across the globe has found its way into nearly 4 Billion people's homes with an annual growth rate of approximately 9.0% per annum.
5 Year Social Media Growth Statistics:
2020: 3,960 billion active users
2019: 3,484 billion active users (+9.2%)
2018: 3,196 billion active users (+9.0%)
2017: 2,796 billion active users (+21%)
2016: 2,307 billion active users (+11%)
2015: 2,078 billion active users
(Sourced from:
Harness the Power of Social Media
The ability to harness the benefits of social media reach and capitalise on its exponential growth, lies with the organisation's ability to create engaging and relatable content for its target audience. The following are ways of creating engaging content on social media platforms.
Create short videos which are accompanied by music or comical voice-overs.
Engage with users to make them feel part of the community you are creating.
Stay up to date with current trends.
Work with influencers who have a similar target audience to yours.
Refresh content regularly.
Encourage user generated content (UGC) - Encourage others to talk among their friends and social groups about your content.
Educate, entertain and excite users.
Use multiple platforms.
Social Media is free in the majority of cases and this has endless possibilities for businesses and organisations alike. For example, the process of creating a video can take less then 60 seconds, is completely free but the potential gains from that video could be priceless for brand awareness. Check out the video below on how to create a TikTok video and get things started.
Student : Peter Neale
Student ID: 10396880