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Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends


What are the most important digital marketing trends?

This is hard to answer as they may be different, depending on your company and how you want to interact with your target audience.

Below are the Top 4 digital marketing trends that I believe can relate to many organisations that are wanting to improve their customer's experience.

Three individuals talking. The computer screen has digital marketing on it.

Image sourced from Canva

Omnichannel marketing

If you as a business are not following the Omnichannel marketing trend, I definitely think you should look into it!

Omnichannel marketing is when businesses market across several platforms. Keeping all your social media accounts similar in the style will help generate both user experience as well as viewers being able to separate your business to others.


Do you have personalised marketing content for your viewers?

Personalising your social media accounts, emails, products and interaction with your customers will help your customers feel more unique. This leads to the customers more likely to purchase products from your company.

Studies even show this, 80% of people are more likely to choose your business over others if it offers personalised content and experiences. (add link here)

Video marketing

The world we live in today has become more visual than ever. With many people preferring to watch videos then to read long articles or information about new products.

Video marketing helps businesses connect to their customers. Allowing customers to see the products before purchasing is said to help generate sales.

Influencer Marketing

The thought of influencer marketing to many companies may scare them as they think of the big Kim Kardashian million-dollar deals. However this is not the case, there is a more affordable way!

Micro-influencers have risen in the past couple years, these can include Instagram and YouTube stars who have particular audiences compared to larger celebrities.

Viewers of these influencers are 58% more likely to purchase a product if they have seen an influencer they follow recommended the product. That’s 58% more sales that you as a business could get, just by introducing an influencer to your products.

So, what’s next?

As you can see, as technology trends changes so does the digital marketing trends.

Take a look at your social media accounts and other communication formats and see if there is any way you can improve!

To find out more digital marketing trends, please see the links below:

Tell us how digital marketing trends have helped your business in the below comments!


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